Religious Education: The Curriculum
The RE Currciulum
Religious Education is central to the life of our school. Across the curriculum we actively look for opportunities to allow all children to flourish, encouraging children to develop and enhance their gifts and talents. In this way every child is afforded the opportunity to shine.
At St. Anne’s & Guardian Angels we follow the Religious Education Curriculum Directory set out by the Bishops of England and Wales. We provide the children with rich opportunities to learn about God and their faith through our Religious Education curriculum and through links across our creative curriculum.
To find out more about Catholic Education in The Diocese of Westminster please visit:
As a school we have chosen to use The Way, The Truth, The Life materials to support our delivery of the Curriculum Directory. More information about this can be found here:
The school RE overview for the year is:
Our school provides the experience of a Christian community in which young children can learn about God, share their faith and worship God. The excellent opportunities that we offer for worship through class-led collective acts of worship, and our liturgical programme of worship, provide all members of our school community the opportunity to experience the power of the spirit of Jesus who is present when two or three gather in his name.
In order to support our staff to deliver high quality RE learning we create an RE 'Knowledge Organiser' for each topic across the year. These documents include information to support teacher subject knowledge and to highlight links to the RE Curriculum Directory. A sample can be seen below:
RE Knowledge Organisers: Autumn 1 2021
RE Knowledge Organisers: Autumn 2 2021
Other Faiths
At St Anne’s and Guardian Angels school we dedicate time in our RE curriculum to studying the way the Jewish faith and other religions live their lives. We teach respect for the writings and holy people of the Jewish faith and other religions and the ways in which care for others is important to Judaism and other faiths.
We study Islam as one of our ‘Other Faiths’ as we feel it is important in developing an understanding of the local community in which our school is situated. We have developed links with the East London Mosque and our pupils visit the mosque in Key Stage Two. We then alternate between studying Hinduism and Sikhism as additional faiths to be studied across the year.