Consultation: Catholic Academy Trust
The governors of St Anne’s and Guardian Angels Catholic Primary School have taken the decision to initiate the consultation process regarding the acquisition of academy status and joining a Catholic Academy Trust with our partner Catholic schools in the Deanery. Governors have been considering the benefits of becoming an academy for a number of years and would only agree to this if it is in the best interests of our school.
The consultation period opens on Monday 15 January and closes on Friday 9 February 2024.
A consultation does not mean we have taken a final decision to convert to an Academy, but that we wish to seek the views of all our community to inform the final decision. To support you in developing your knowledge and understanding of what is involved in becoming an academy we have prepared a questions and answers consultation leaflet which is available below.
Below you will also find a response form which we strongly encourage you to complete and return to us by 9th February in order that your opinions are considered as part of the consultation process. You can also email this back to
An online version of this form can be accessed by clicking the following link or by scanning the QR code with your smart phone:
Consultation Response Questionnaire
Parents are invited to attend an information session with school leaders and governors on Monday 29th January. The meeting will include a presentation about what joining the Catholic Academy Trust would mean for the school, and it is another opportunity to ask questions. We anticipate the meeting will last for approximately 60 minutes, commencing at 6:00pm .
Useful Websites
St. Elizabeth Catholic Primary School, Tower Hamlets
St. Monica's Catholic Primary School, Hackney
Bishop Challoner Catholic School, Tower Hamlets
Cardinal Pole Catholic School, Hackney
Consultation Report and Question and Answers
Catholic Academy Trust Consultation: Meeting Presentation
Catholic Academy Trust Consultation: Frequently Asked Questions
Catholic Academy Trust Consultation: Response Questionnaire
Consultation Letter to Parents
Paper copies of all documents are available on request from the school office.