Home Learning
Nursery and Reception
Pupils have a home reading book which they should read with an adult at home.
Years 1 – 6
Home learning will be sent home each week and will consist of:
- Spellings
- Maths activities
- A wider curriculum activity
A spelling overview sheet will be sent home at the start of each half-term. This will reflect the spellings that are taught in school each week and may include additional spellings as necessary.
The spellings will be tested weekly and will be recorded in the back of pupil’s home learning books so that parents can see the results.
For maths teachers will send home a skills activity or information sheet each week. These can be prompt sheets such as particular times tables, number bonds, shapes, angles, time etc. These are not necessarily worksheets that require marking as they may focus on mental activities/skills to practise at home.
At the start of each half term pupils will be given a 3x3 grid like the example below. Each square will include an activity related to the class’ English curriculum, RE topic, History/Geography topic etc. Pupils can pick whichever activity they would like to complete each week, crossing it off as it is completed.
Example of Year Home Learning Grid