Medical Needs
Children with medical conditions should be properly supported so that they have full access to education, including school trips and physical education. Our focus is on the child as an individual and how their medical needs are met to ensure full inclusion, access and enjoyment of school life.
Arrangements must be in place in school to support children with medical conditions, including the appropriate use of risk assessments and the development, implementation and review of healthcare plans with the support of the school nursing service. School, parents, the child and healthcare professionals will work closely together to ensure that the needs of students with medical conditions are met.
The Children and Families Act 2014 places a duty on schools to make arrangements for children with medical conditions. Pupils with special medical needs have the same processes of admission as other children and cannot be refused admission on medical grounds alone. Teachers and other school staff have a duty to act in loco parentis and may need to take swift action in an emergency. This duty also extends to staff leading activities off site.